Amendment in General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017 — Global Tender Enquiry
1. Global Tender Enquiry-
As per rule 161 (iv)(b) of General Financial Rules 2017 (GFR 2017), Where the Ministry or Department
feels that the goods of the required quality, specifications etc., may not be available in the country
and it is necessary to also look for suitable competitive offers from abroad, the Ministry or Department may send
copies of the tender notice to the Indian Embassies abroad as well as to the foreign Embassies
in India requesting them to give wide publicity of the requirement in those countries.
The selection of the embassies will depend on the possibility of availability of the required goods in such countries.
Publicizing the requirement globally as above is also known as Global Tender Enquiry.
1.1 However, In order to promote self-reliance, Make in India and to promote Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises D/o Expenditure vide its OM dated 15th May, 2020 amended rule 161(iv) in GFRs by
inserting clause 161(iv)(b) by which
“No Global Tender Enquiry (GTE), however shall be invited for tenders upto Rs. 200 Crore or such limit
as may be prescribed by the Department of Expenditure from time to time.
Provided that for tenders below such limit, in exceptional cases, where the Ministry or Department feels
that there are special reasons for GTE, it may record its detailed justification and seek prior approval for relaxation
to the above rule from the competent Authority specified by the Department of Expenditure.”
1.2 D/o Expenditure (DoE) vide its OM dated 28th May, 2020 informed all the Ministries/Departments that Secretary (Coordination),
Cabinet Secretariat shall be the competent Authority under Rule 161 (iv) (b) of GFR.
2. Mandate for taking Exemption:-
As per DoE OM dated 15.05.2020 in exceptional cases where the Ministry/Department which feels that there are special reasons for GTE,
are mandated to take exemption for Global Tender Enquiry, provided it record its detailed justification and seek prior approval
for relaxation to the above rule from the Competent Authority specified by the Department of Expenditure.
3. Process Flow along with Roles & Responsibilities of the Stakeholders
4. Role of Proposing Agency
4.1 The agencies/subordinate offices under the administrative control of a Ministry/Department,
that require to float a Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for procurement of certain product/item/services,
shall submit the proposal online via link available on Cabinet Secretariat website or directly on eSamikSha portal via link
4.2 The proposal should only be submitted via the Government of India's email address (like, or Official Email address authorized by the Administrative Ministry/Department.
The OTP will only be sent to this email address for authorization purposes.
4.3 Once the Government of India’s Email address or Official Email address authorized by the Administrative Ministry/Department is verified, only then the proposal will be submitted to their Administrative
Ministry/Department in order to seek approval for Global Tender Enquiry for the procurement of the required product/services.
4.4 After successful submission, the Proposing Agency may download the proposal (in PDF format) and follow the instructions thereof.
4.5 The Proposing Agency can view the status of their proposal, such as the meeting date, decision and so on, by visiting link
5. Role of Administrative Ministry/Department
5.1 The Administrative Ministry/Department can access the proposals, submitted online by agencies/subordinate offices under
the administrative control of the Ministry/Department,
in the eSamikSha portal (URL: )
using the respective login. Once logged in, it will take you to the main dashboard, where in,
a separate category called GTE (Global Tender Enquiry) would be accessible.
The proposals related to the Administrative Ministry/Department will be listed for necessary action.
5.2 The Administrative Ministry/Department shall examine the proposal on various parameters for GTE and other rules and regulations
as prescribed by DoE from time to time regarding procurement of goods and services and GTE.
5.3 Secretary / Authorized Officer by the Secretary of the Administrative Ministry/Department shall record their observation
on the eSamikSha portal, and approve or reject the proposal accordingly.
It is mandatory that officer submitting the proposal must certify that the above proposal is send,
with the approval of the Secretary of the Administrative Department/Ministry, for the consideration of the Competent Authority,
as mandated by D / o Expenditure order dated 15th May, 2020 regarding Amendment in GFRs - 2017, regarding Global Tender Enquiry.
6. Role of DoE
6.1 The proposals, which received the approval of the Administrative Ministry/Department, will be automatically escalated to the GTE
category on the main dashboard of DoE in eSamikSha portal
(URL: ).
6.2 Authorized Officer of DoE for Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) may access the proposal on the eSamikSha portal and shall examine the
proposal received from the Administrative Ministry/Department as per extant rules,
provisions with regard to GTE and various parameters as mentioned in the prescribed format.
6.3 DoE after examining the proposal, records its comment whether the proposal is “Recommended” or “Not Recommended” on the
eSamikSha portal and those proposals that would be recommended will be forwarded to Cabinet Secretariat.
However, DoE, may, on scrutiny of the proposal point out certain discrepancies in the proposal/requires additional information,
sends the proposal back to the Administrative Ministry/Department for necessary action.
In that case, the proposal would not be forwarded to Cabinet Secretariat.
6.4 Any GTE related OM, can be uploaded by DoE in the eSamikSha Portal itself under
7. Role of DPIIT
7.1 The proposals, which received the approval of the Administrative Ministry/Department, will be automatically escalated to the GTE
category on the main dashboard of DPIIT in eSamikSha portal
(URL: ).
7.2 Authorized Officer of DPIIT for Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) may access the proposal and shall examine and records its
comments/recommendations on the eSamikSha portal. It may ask for certain additional information from the Administrative
7.3 Any GTE related OM, can be uploaded by DPIIT in the eSamikSha Portal itself under
8. Role of Cabinet Secretariat
8.1 The proposal shall be considered by Cabinet Secretariat after receiving the comments from DoE.
8.2 A meeting would be organized as per the convenience of the Competent Authority. The proposal would be examined and deliberated
upon in a meeting having participants from D/o Expenditure, DPIIT, Concerned Agency and Administrative Ministry/Department.
After deliberations, the Competent Authority may decide on anyone of the following:
a. Proposal may be approved
b. Proposal may not be approved.
c. Proposal may be sent back to DoE for clarification/further information or for reconsideration of DoE.
d. Proposal may be sent back to DPIIT for clarification/further information.
e. Proposal may be sent back to Administrative Ministry/Department for additional information.
f. Proposal may be allowed to be withdrawn by the concerned Administrative Ministry/Department.
8.3 The decision of the Competent Authority will be uploaded on the eSamikSha portal along with corresponding ID.
The status of the decision and ID is viewable under
for Proposing Agencies and
for Administrative Ministry/Department/DoE/DPIIT, under eSamikSha dashboard. Please note that OTP based authentication is required
to view the status of a proposal by an Agency.
Note: Care has been taken to include every possible minute details in the making
of the portal along with GTE Dashboard under eSamikSha, however suggestions
are welcome and may be sent to sibi[dot]cabsec[at]gov[dot]in, cabsec-gtecell[at]gov[dot]in .
Once this is formally available in the and , physical copies of the proposals or email of the
proposals shall not be processed, unless an exemption is granted by the Competent Authority.